The uses of T’ai Chi for quieting the body and the mind are legendary: “The body of a lumberjack, the suppleness of a child, the compassionate wisdom of a sage.” T’ai Chi training is open to anyone, regardless of age or condition.
Sifu Peter Kay has over 40 years experience teaching the traditional Chinese art of T’ai Chi. He began a life-long study with Herman Kauz as his teacher and currently teaches T’ai Chi Form and Push Hands, as well as healing and meditative Ch’i Kung (Qigong) exercises.
T’ai Chi Form is taught in the tradition of Professor Cheng, Man-Ch’ing, and includes solo and interactive exercises for health and meditation. Partner exercises (push hands training as taught by Herman Kauz) emphasize sensitivity and responsiveness: “4 ounces of pressure, yielding with return.” [Close contact t’ui shou training, modified due to pandemic requirements, introduced 6′ distancing sticks. Currently masks required for Push Hands training.]
Teaching is though Group Seminar Training, and classes at the Person County and Granville County Senior Centers. Private lessons and Ch’i Kung therapy sessions are also available. Note that university credit courses at Piedmont Community College are no longer offered.
Pandemic’s Video Lessons
Beginning class is in Oxford at the
Granville County Senior Center
107 Lanier Street
Oxford, NC 27565)
Tuesday morning : Beginning class starting Jan. 7th.
First class of this 12week session will be an introduction to T’ai Chi principles, with applications for health. Classes will be 90 minutes, starting with easily learned warm up ch’i kung exercises and progressing to T’ai Chi Form, solo and interactive. 10:00 – 11:30 AM. Tuesday mornings.
The open air class on Monday evenings (6 PM) and Saturday mornings (10 AM) continue at the Old Senior Center Park Gazebo in Roxboro. Continuing classes in Roxboro may be limited to advanced students and private lessons.
Weather notwithstanding, in Roxboro we practice in open air, under roof. Dress for the weather. Perhaps there may be some warming Bear ch’i kung on cold days, or some Crane forms on hot days, maybe some brocades or applications to HengHa, and continuing attention to T’ai Chi form. (Standard disclaimer: class called if sleeting sideways.)
For those interested in the many health benefits that may accrue, consider visiting my other site:
T’ai Chi principles to Physical Therapy applications
Private classes, Instruction in Ch’i Kung Therapy, Lymphedema Therapy: by appointment.
Peter Kay, T’ai Chi instructor, Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant